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[Book Review] I wish the tide would come in when I row

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The speaker, who discovered the book after going through a difficult time at the beginning of 2022, finds comfort in the work that deals with both life concerns and hope.
  • The speaker empathizes with the difficulties and anxieties experienced by individuals in modern society and tells how one can gain strength even in these circumstances through a positive attitude and conversations with friends.
  • This work contains honest reflections on the concerns of youth and the weight of life, emphasizing the importance of understanding and encouraging each other.

The beginning of 2022 was harsh. I barely survived a sudden hospitalization and surgery and returned home. This book was waiting for me. The title, "I wish I had the water when I rowed the oars," which is modest but honest, seemed to comfort me somehow.


This book, drawn and written by Shamma, is in the form of a cuttoon. Everyday trivialities and deeper-than-expected life concerns fluctuate simultaneously.

  • How nice it would be if there were an answer to my application like in math.
  • I know, right?
  • I'm anxious about clinging to something without an answer.

These are lines from "". Shamma also whispers to my past self, "Please study for the TOEIC." The reason why we have to write better applications and get higher TOEIC scores than others is that good jobs are always scarce. In South Korea, especially, it is difficult to find people who are passionate about their jobs. How healthy and sustainable is a society where everyone works reluctantly for money?
These sorrowful questions arise from Shamma's insights. Youth is so cheerful, but life is so overwhelming.

  • Good at something? I don't think so.
  • You're good at admitting things.

Shamma always tries to look at various difficulties positively, bustling around with good friends. Yes, depending on how you think about it, difficulties can also be opportunities. I lean on Shamma's optimism and take a breather. Sometimes, optimism itself becomes overwhelming. However, there will be friends like me who are grappling with the same concerns, by your side. It is difficult to open up about loneliness and fear. Still, let's hold each other's hands. Let's talk. Let's laugh out loud or cry our hearts out and start again. When you look at Shamma's drawings and writings, you somehow feel like you can do it.

※ This is an honest review of the book provided by the Naver Cafe Culturebloom

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