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Nahee Noh

[Reading] The Art of Questions That Change Your Life

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • After a trip to Europe last year, I embarked on a journey of thought for 3 months, reading a variety of books and gaining wisdom about life.
  • I was frustrated after quitting my job, but through books, I realized my narrow perspective and discovered new possibilities, reaching the conclusion that my worth is determined by me.
  • Ultimately, books gave the author the strength to overcome his crisis and the courage to move forward toward new challenges.

A friend gave me a book as a gift.

A book gift always

Creates a small echo in your heart.

Two paths, and a choice

What do you think when you see this picture? Have you ever contemplated while admiring a picture lately?​

It's just a matter of what happened, and how you dealt with it.

I quit my job early last year. And I went on a long trip to Europe.


The thought that the answer to my life is only books enveloped me.

So after I came back from Europe, for 3 months straight, I woke up at 6 am and read books like a possessed person until night. At first, it was self-development books, then humanities, then biographies, and finally I moved on to the Odyssey and the Iliad. It was a stream of consciousness, I read whatever I wanted to read. It didn't matter how many pages I read in a day, or what I finished reading.

When in my life have I ever acted so freely as I wanted?

I was just busy finding sentences and paragraphs, books that made me think, and I kept racking my brains so that I could think deeply.

It was a journey of thought, not a journey of the body, all day long.

Maybe I went to Europe for over 50 days, of course, some say that seeing is believing, but

Ultimately, I think books are the best when it comes to opening and expanding thinking.

And while reading books, I have learned so much firsthand.

I don't get discouraged when things don't go my way.

Because I am aware, as if it were my slogan, that crisis is always an opportunity.

The position of my career that I had built up was gradually shrinking, and the industry itself was dying out.

It was just barely alive, you know.

At first, I thought, "My career is useless, I'm not going to be able to get a job now." I was so frustrated.

And after going to Europe, I realized that there was nothing I couldn't do, and I read books so that I could think a little bit more right and fully.

As I continued to read books, I realized that I had been trying to acquire the wisdom and essence of life prematurely, like a thief. I thought I could get away with it like a cheat sheet.

If you think negatively, this year is a year of idleness and no money, but

On the other hand, I want to call this the best year of my life because I learned the truth of life through books.

In conclusion, my career, which had been shrouded in darkness, was a little closer, but still, there were brands that were ranked in the top 10 in the Chinese market (I received a job interview request from here), and Samyang Foods (Bulgogi) achieved 13 billion won in sales on Singles' Day this year, and Korea, the plastic surgery empire, is actively selling fillers and Botox in China. That's why I got a job interview request from a brand whose parent company is a pharmaceutical company.

Ultimately, what we can learn from this is that we were impatient and frustrated because we had a narrow vision and couldn't see anything else.

How vain and foolish is that?

Isn't it up to me to decide what's useful about me, after all?

If I get angry when someone insults me, it's because I'm partly admitting it, right?

If I think it's not true, I think that child is a strange child and

I don't think it's a big deal.


Asking questions

'Whose fault is it?'

'What did I do wrong?'

'Why does he hate me?'

'How did I end up like this?'

My heart feels heavy the moment I ask these questions.

Let's change this to:

'What happened?'

'What do I want?'

'What can I learn?'

'What is possible?'

'What choice will I make?'

Perhaps it's not that people who are older are adults, but rather that people who have had successful experiences are adults.

With the development of e-commerce, there are many one-person businesses and N-jobs are overflowing in this era,

An individual is a company, so

I really think that personal management is company management.

I'm going to have to read Peter Drucker's Self-Management Notebook again soon.

Will I be satisfied with my life if I get a job? I'm not going to be able to handle corporate life for a long time, so

If I start my own business later, will I be able to apply what I learned in the company to my own personal business, which is on a smaller scale?

There will definitely be some helpful parts.

But at my current level and depth, there is no clear answer.

06 Treasure lies where you stumble

To gain immense power and potential, you may encounter enormous obstacles, but the deeper you go, the better.

"So to speak, 'where is the treasure in this confusion I'm facing?'" he says.

I think I'm the type of person who needs to be under pressure and frustrated to become strong and move forward.


08 Breakthrough at last

A question that is not spoken is a door that has not yet been opened.

10 Great results come from great questions

This change completely changed how I felt about myself and my work.

Because I even looked forward to going to work in the morning.

It seems that the changes I experienced rippled through our entire team.

Not a day went by when I didn't send a thank you to someone else for something they did.

We started to achieve great things together.

Recently, for me, who was a little shaken,

To stand tall again

I think this book was a source of strength.

Nahee Noh
Nahee Noh
7 Years Cosmetices Industry Im Good at Speaking Chinese Im live in Seoul,Korea
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