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Dream Atelier

Morning Pages for Rekindling Your Creativity

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Morning pages, which I started after reading Julia Cameron’s book, are a practice of writing down your stream of consciousness, helping to restore creativity.
  • Morning pages, where you write about three pages every morning, are like a drainage system for your brain, and it is important to remember that there is no such thing as a wrong morning page.
  • Through morning pages, you can connect with your inner creator, find solutions you never thought of, and grow as an artist.

Reading (1873)Berthe Morisot (French, 1841-1895)

You will learn that mood is not very important when you write a morning page. Sometimes the most creative work comes when you feel like everything you are doing is useless. (p49)

I have been writing a morning page for N years since I read by Julia Cameron. I write it consistently along with Miracle Morning. At first, it was by hand, now it's by keyboard. The form may have changed slightly, but it's still the same as writing down the flow of consciousness.

I received various help from reading and practicing , and today I'm going to talk about 'Morning Page' among them.

Morning Pages are a way to find creativity by writing about three pages every morning with the flow of consciousness. Simply put, it is a drain for the brain.

"There is no such thing as a wrong morning page." (p45)

Since it's not a writing for someone to see, it's important to just write a morning page.

Everything from my ideal and future to my current dissatisfaction and past wounds becomes the source of creation. It can release suppressed emotions and even call for unexpected good fortune with greater anticipation than usual.

It's not about writing to look cool, it's about writing as a process of becoming a cool person.

Morning Pages, a clue to regaining creativity. If you try it for a week, a month, you'll find a day when you feel uncomfortable not writing a morning page. And eventually, you'll naturally come to think of your life as an art.

"Morning Pages lift us from despair and guide us to solutions we never dreamed of." (p53)

Just by writing a morning page, you can meet your inner creator and become a creator, an artist.

Dream Atelier
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