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Dream Atelier

Writing is not a prison sentence.

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • In the creative process, you should protect your creative freedom and not be swayed by outside perspectives and evaluations.
  • Ignore unhelpful criticism and listen to those who give positive energy.
  • It is not realistic to expect perfect work, and it is more important to build on one piece at a time.

"Is this writing or prison?"

While writing, have you ever worried, "What if A misunderstands this?", or "What if B doesn't like my writing again?"? Or maybe you've had other concerns.

The creative process is full of countless "what ifs." The hearts of creators who strive to unfold precious stories in their own voices sometimes hesitate in the face of external perspectives and evaluations.

However, to create a true masterpiece, you must break free from thoughts and situations that are akin to imprisonment.

If you want to achieve wealth and fame through writing, you naturally need to think about your readers. But there's no way to handle all the senseless criticisms and attacks that hinder writing. Moreover, creation is an act that seeks freedom and is valuable in itself, so we must always protect the freedom of creation.

It's a good thing to hear others' opinions. But if, no matter how much you think about it, you don't feel any inner comfort or gratitude toward the person who gave you that opinion? You need to think again.

  • Even sharp criticism, if accurate, gives the creator of the work a sense of inner peace. -Julia Cameron

  • Criticism that doesn't help feels painful. Such criticism fuels shame, is vague, contains personal attacks, is inaccurate, and blind. Such irresponsible criticism is not worth considering. -Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron, author of , which is loved by many, also said that irresponsible criticism is not worth considering.

Looking back, it's true. What value does a person who has no right to evaluate my writing have in their casual remarks? They probably didn't genuinely want me to do well, and they probably never considered the depth of the content and value contained in the writing. (Furthermore, there are people in the world who boost their own self-esteem by tearing others down.)

Lady and the Tiger (1900)_Frederick Stuart Church (American, 1842-1924)

Do you know that a single word has the power to awaken the soul? Sometimes, words are more precious than jewels. Similarly, the power of words is more important than anything else.

Are there people around you who casually assert things about your writing? For a writer, someone's indiscriminate words can create a feeling of being watched and pressured, and forced criticism can make them feel uncomfortable. Therefore, you have the right to politely decline words that seem deliberately intended to hinder your creative work.

Let's not forget that a single word can inflict great pain or, conversely, provide great comfort. Our creative journey is a process that requires more encouragement and understanding. Surround yourself with people who can infuse you with positive energy, and listen to their kind words as you walk the path of creation.

  • Inexperienced and harsh critics might destroy a work instead of nurturing it to be well-finished. -Julia Cameron

You shouldn't let your hard work and creativity die. Creators have the right to defend themselves. This doesn't mean you should ignore all criticism and opinions, but rather that you need to find and cultivate right criticism. We must develop the ability to recognize when criticism is needed and whose criticism is appropriate.

Even if you really wrote terrible writing, it doesn't matter. It will be a stepping stone that you absolutely need for the next writing. The creative process can't be perfect from the start. People who seem perfect have put in hundreds or thousands of efforts. No matter how bad it is, the effort of building up one piece at a time is more important.

Dream Atelier
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