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Words, Words, Words on Creativity

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Developing representative cases through a variety of experiences is essential for obtaining creative ideas, and for this, 20% of working time should be invested in creative activities.
  • Regularly disclosing your work in progress to receive feedback is helpful in achieving creative results, and it is important to practice this from the initial stage.
  • To achieve perfect results, you need to exert your creative imagination through continuous modifications and improvements, requiring constant attempts and efforts.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

“If you hit a writer’s block, just start writing something down on the paper. Any ideas, knowledge, or anything. I believe writers should trust the process. They need to understand the fact that creativity needs nonlinearity. Creative people often go through many trials and errors, and in most cases, they don't know exactly where they're going until they reach their goal.” - Scott Barry Kaufman

"Painters regularly visit galleries, chefs dine at cutting-edge restaurants and visit farms and food fairs. Composers constantly listen to music, new or old. These creative artists are usually very busy, yet they consistently devote three or four hours a day — about 20% of their working time — to this kind of consumption. Through these experiences, they develop, as if by instinct, the prototypes they need to figure out where an idea lies on the creative curve. That’s what I call the ‘20% Rule’. They can intuitively and expertly understand, without having to experience it directly, how familiar an idea is, and therefore where it falls on the creative curve." - The Creative Curve, Alan Garnett

"Artists typically hate to show unfinished work to other people. But great creators (and big companies) know that the only way to stay off the creative curve’s sweet spot is to put their work in front of an audience early and often. This is important to do before investing in creative work, so that you can find the ‘reasonable probability’ of success and narrow down your choices. At this point, intuition and judgment usually dictate the final choice." - The Creative Curve, Alan Garnett

"If you wrote 406 drafts, consider only 46 of them to be really useful. The rest is trash. Don’t think it’s hard to ‘rewrite’. Just imagine and create once more, and think of it as trying something really absurd. That’s the process of constantly revising a manuscript." - Robert McKee

“Since we started gathering around campfires in caves, we've been creating stories to overcome fear and survive. Simple stories may become popular because of SNS, but the essence of such stories will not change.” - Robert McKee

"If writing seems difficult, it's because it is actually difficult. Writing is one of the hardest things humans do." - William Zinsser

"God is in the details." - Ludwig Mis van der Rohe

"Bulgyeonggongjol (不計工拙)" Don't calculate whether it's good or bad. - Chusa Kim Jeong-hui

“You can tell whether a piece is creative or not when you see it, but if you ask me what creativity is, I don't know.” - Pablo Picasso

"Early human writing was actually a simplified drawing." - Scott McCloud

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