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[Book Review] I Have a Lot of Failed Works

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • This is a touching excerpt from an essay book by Nora Ephron, a film director and screenwriter.
  • You can catch a glimpse of Nora's candid feelings about her parents' alcoholism.
  • Nora Ephron's witty and humorous works are introduced.

Today, I brought a piece of writing by Nora Ephron, a film director, screenwriter.
"When Harry Met Sally," "You've Got Mail," and other romantic comedies starring Meg Ryan in the 1990s are all works that originated from her. Her essays are just as witty. In fact, Nora Ephron has some personal history, having been married three times.
In her essay titled "I remember nothing and other reflections," she talks about why she did what she did in a way that seems like a joke but is actually true. It was wonderfully translated in Korea as "I have many failures." Nora Ephron has also become a grandmother now. ㅠㅠ Two chapters were really fun, and the rest were easy reads.
From one of those two chapters, I brought a paragraph that hit me. 
Alcoholic parents are a really confusing thing. They are definitely my parents. I love them. But they are drunkards. I hate them. But I love them. But I hate them. They have that very image that I idolized in my childhood. There is also a side that can only be described as a monster. Over time, they always become monsters. People who had tremendous power over me (it took me 40 years to buy a red coat. Even after I bought it, I only wore it once), but people who can no longer have any influence over me. p.62-63
Nora Ephron's parents were quite famous writers and directors and were wealthy. However, they didn't seem to know how to take care of their children. 
Also, "<실패작>" was a very witty writing. I also have experience writing failed works, so I completely agreed with Nora's statement, "If I think about a failed work, I can still cry within 5 seconds." I recommend you read the whole piece directly.
Anyway, while reading this book, I thought that Nora Ephron was very honest and had a great sense of humor. I want to grow old as a cheerful and lovely grandmother like her.

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