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Why Should We Study Humanities

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The humanities help foster the ability to deeply contemplate and predict responses to stimulation from others, which assists in growing as a leader.
  • Leaders must constantly study and prepare to live a proactive life, and they can grow through small acts of giving that are needed by others.
  • The importance of practicing sharing in the community today, receiving appreciation for it, and learning more to share is emphasized.

Humanities are about deepening one's thoughts and being able to predict and understand human nature. It is also about broadening one's perspectives so that one can acquire the power to see the world.

What does it mean to understand where I stand in my life?

I need to look at myself as an individual.

Am I a loser? Or a leader?

Existence is always about stimuli and reactions.

If I am a loser, I am only reacting to stimuli from others and am not growing.

But if I am a leader, do I only react to the stimuli of others?

A leader, or rather, a leader is someone who thinks deeply about their reactions to the stimuli of others.

They will be mature enough to think and judge before reacting. Furthermore, they will be someone who looks back on themselves and has a deep and wide range of predictive thinking, making them an example to others, thus living a high-quality life as a leader.

What kind of life do I want to live?

If you want to be a leader, you need to cultivate the virtues of a leader.

You must study humanities.

So I won't live a life like a camel being led.

Nietzsche says to live a lion's life.

This is the same as saying to live the life of a leader.

What does it mean to live an autonomous life?

To become an autonomous being who leads his own life, rather than being led, means that you have to study and prepare more than ordinary people.

Today, I used my skills in a community.

I was happy and satisfied by sharing what the other person needed and received praise for it.

I am proud to say that this accumulation of small acts of giving is making me grow.

I need to study to give more. I cannot grow without learning.

I am grateful for the space where I can share my talents. I also welcome this grateful morning.

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