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Pilot AISmrteasy

Mr. Know-All Issue 5 – February 2024

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Companies want to provide better service to their customers using chatbot UX through LLM integrated AI applications.
  • The UX of LLM AI services is chat, and it's important to accurately understand the customer's intent and connect it to the company's services.
  • Google Dialogflow helps you easily create chat UX, and it offers features that understand the customer's intent through text or voice and connect them to corporate services.

[Developing AI Applications Connected to Enterprise LLM]

Companies interested in developing AI applications connected to LLMs already have representative services or apps. They want to enhance the functionality of these services or apps by adding AI services from LLM providers. The ultimate goal of companies is to acquire more customers through AI services or to make it easier for customers to access and use services.

The UX of LLM AI services is chat. Corporate services use chat as their UX to welcome customers. It should not be a simple chat, but a chat that understands the customer's intention well. It is necessary to accurately understand the user's intention in chatting and connect them well to the services provided by the company.

If the use of the connected service is long or complicated, a chat that repeats this process in small steps should appear in between.

When developing an enterprise service and LLM AI service integration,

– UX is chat.

– Understand the functions of the services provided by the company (service pages) and understand the customer's intentions and contents corresponding to the functions.

– Understand the help messages that need to be provided so that customers can clearly express their intentions and contents.

– If the intention is composed of smaller intentions, it is necessary to understand the flow of intentions.

[Google Dialogflow]

Google is not just great. It's a pair of tweezers that picks out what you need.

Is Dialogflow here for this?

Dialogflow, the name is well chosen. It clearly pointed out what is needed.

Dialogflow is said to make it easy to create chat UX in various environments such as web, mobile, devices, and bots. It is said that Dialogflow provides a new and exciting way for users to interact with products. It seems that it has been decided that the UI/UX of LLM AI service integration and corporate service pages will all be chat-based.

Since the basics of chat are text or voice, support for them should be basic.

Will search become like this in the future? When you search, it understands your intention and connects you to corporate services that will satisfy your intention!

Looking at the fact that SI is still prevalent in corporate software development, Dialogflow's functionality will also be included in the list of SI functions rather than the cloud, right?

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