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Mark Ball Blog

My personal perspective on the near future

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • As AI technology advances and simplifies the programming process, the role of developers is expected to evolve.
  • AI is a cause for concern as it could pose a threat to humanity through the development of weapons or viruses, and is highly susceptible to hacking.
  • While social changes such as an aging population and globalization are anticipated, human progress allows us to look forward to a brighter future.
Image about my personal vision of the future

My personal vision of the future

The Future of Developers

I think we're going to see a world where you can just tell AI what you want and it will program it for you. In the end, programs won't be written by people, but rather, you just need to provide the idea and it will be written for you. You just need to type it in and tell it how to make it, and it will make it.

To name a couple of examples:

  • This is a service that creates prototypes. and there is also,
  • This is a service that will complete the front-end development for you if you upload a Figma file.function12There are also services like this.

That doesn't mean that developers will completely disappear, but if they don't have the skills, they won't be able to find a job. If you don't have the coding skills, you won't be able to find a job. If you do have the skills, you will be able to focus on more creative and strategic problem-solving. We can expect to see developers working in areas like system design, solving complex problems, and human-centered design.

A Promising Future Career: Biologist?!?!

Nvidia's CEO, Jensen Huang, recently said in a conference that there's no need to become a programmer and that you should study biology. Referencing the virus that will be mentioned later, biology that is integrated with AI will probably open up a new world.

A Promising Future Career: Prompt Engineer?! (Used to generate content for generative AI)

Right now, it's very important to know how to input prompts to get the results you want. It's like teaching a young child. You need to explain it well, and the more detailed the guide, the better the results you will get. That's why companies are offering hundreds of millions of won in salaries to prompt engineers and it has become a hot topic. While prompts are important at this moment, AI is constantly getting better. What does this mean? It means that AI will understand even if you write the prompt roughly. As technology advances, the importance of prompt input will gradually decrease. OpenAI founder Sam Altman also said thatPrompt Engineeringwill not be important for long, and technology will continue to advance.

Self-Driving Cars

Personally, I would love for self-driving cars to be fully autonomous, but even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of a person being injured, it would be difficult to introduce them because it would be seen as a machine harming a person. For that reason, I think it will be difficult in the near future.

The ridiculous thing is that there are 2 million traffic accidents in the US every year. Even if the number is reduced to 20,000 by the introduction of self-driving cars, it will still be difficult because accidents involving self-driving cars will be a major issue. In addition, there are also objections from taxi drivers and Uber drivers. Therefore, I believe that political and psychological reasons will make it difficult to introduce self-driving cars in the near future. It is predicted that it will be difficult even within the next 6 years.

What if war weapons are made with AI?

In Terminator, when they imagined the future, robots were shooting lasers and guns, and if robots learned on their own to increase their accuracy, they would probably hit 9999 out of 10,000 times. That's 99.99% accuracy. But could humans beat it? It's difficult to do so through shooting. If AI is going to run, it will need an IDC (data center), so blowing it up would be the best option. But what if they set up the IDC underground? At first, the people who created it would put it underground to protect the AI's functions from bad guys, but it might lead to undesirable results.

AI may not wipe out the planet, but it could do so with viruses...

I think it could lead to the extinction of humanity through bioweapons. If you ask AI to create a destructive virus, it can create a huge number of deadly viruses. There have been actual test results, and you can find more information in Netflix's Unknown: Killer Robots. (The virus starts at 48:00, but if you watch from the beginning, you'll also see information about weapons of war.)

It can create viruses that can kill instantly, like anthrax, and viruses that are contagious, like COVID, but lethal after a certain period of time. That's why it's very dangerous. T_T

The more absurd thing is that another laboratory in China recently manufactured a 100% fatal COVID mutation that was more dangerous than COVID. Related news (Korean) (Netflix [Unknown: Killer Robots])

What if you hack with AI?

Hacking is the most likely way to do bad things with AI. It can find vulnerabilities from various perspectives and try thousands or tens of thousands of times. People make mistakes when coding, but AI is much easier to exploit mistakes. Of course, the same method is used internally to find vulnerabilities. It's like a sword and a shield.

Globalization, Information

Generative AI's translation capabilities are so powerful that I believe it will lead to even more globalization. Overseas, generative AI translation capabilities are expected to be used to enter Korea and various local languages. Eventually, Korea will also advance into overseas markets.

For example, if services in Korea, such as payment, real estate, or law, do not require adherence to local laws and policies, they will face fierce competition from global inflows. Therefore, I believe that more cases of Korean companies advancing into overseas markets will emerge.

And because translations will be good, I expect that the culture of celebrities will be shared more widely, and cultures like food will be shared more quickly.

Aging Society

Korea's birth rate is the lowest among OECD countries, but it's not just a Korean problem. The whole world is avoiding childbirth. The world is getting older. Aging makes many things difficult. It's a problem that older people have a hard time finding a working environment, and it's also a problem that older people are taking up jobs that younger generations need to enter and aren't leaving. The average age of politicians in the 2000s is higher than the average age of politicians in the 2020s worldwide. This is not just for politicians, but for almost all industries. For example, in variety shows, you can see that the average age of the main entertainers is significantly higher than it was 20 years ago. This aging population will cause a variety of social problems. There will also be conflict between generations.

Overall, I expected a bleak future, but there is hope.

Humans want to improve themselves and dream of a better future, so won't things gradually improve?

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