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나에게도 짝은 있는가. 파란만장 로맨스 다이어리

<Welcome to Marriage Information Company> Is Real Marriage Possible? [12]

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • When receiving services from a marriage information company with a 3-person team system, communication and coordination between the counseling manager, matching team leader, and the member are important.
  • After the first match, I was able to express my honest opinion after seeing the other person's profile, and the matching team leader gave me a positive mindset, but there was also the risk of getting involved with multiple people.
  • In order to prevent self-esteem from falling during the use of marriage information company services, you need to be aware that there are many people who are better than you and accept the reality that you cannot be loved by everyone.

You can't be loved by everyone

The place I signed up for was a 3-person team.

A counseling manager who advises and takes care of your mental health when you sign up,

A team leader who compares information about actual members and finds a suitable match, and the member themselves.

Keep in mind that even though it's a service you pay for, it's something that people do directly, so there's no need to hurt each other's feelings.

An overbearing attitude or rudeness is a minus, not a plus.

But there's no need to be servile and humble either. Just be confident and kind.

After a few days, all the procedures were approved, and the long-awaited first match came in.

Last name and family relationship. Age. Height and physique. A brief self-introduction written by the party.

The current residence and workplace location were listed in 'gu' units only, and the message came.

The matching team leader recommends several people, and asks if there's anyone you're more drawn to.

Once both parties agree to meet, you finally set a date.

Unless you have a strong preference for a particular place, it was usually selected from a list of 'good places to go on a date' that the company has.

The profile that came in from the beginning was too strong, a professional with a high salary and a feeling of being excessive, so

I honestly said I was uncomfortable, and the counseling manager persuaded me, whipping me into action.

“Oh, what are you saying! You can't be uncomfortable. You have to meet him. Why would you turn down a man with good conditions?"

Once the date, time, and place are set, each party's phone number will be revealed the morning of the day.

Most of the time, people don't call early, just when they arrive before the appointed time.

The first meeting is always at a coffee shop. If you like each other, it's recommended to ask for an after-date and have dinner next time.

That too was good because it didn't feel burdensome to each other.

The people who come out are not single-minded, and they have the will and are ready to get married, so

There's the advantage of not having to check cautiously, but it's not much different from a regular blind date.

The counseling manager had one request: try not to ask the other person "Why did you register here?"

After all, they join and use the service on their own initiative, so there's no point in going back and asking why.

Ironically, many men asked that question from the beginning.

The morning after the introduction, each person's assigned matching team leader calls.

"Did you have a good time? Are you interested in meeting again?" They check your feedback.

I like them so much. They're a good person, but I'm not sure. They were not good. They weren't bad, so I'd like to meet them again, etc.

If it's positive, they give you more time to meet, and if it's ambiguous or negative, they find a new person to match you without delay.

The matching team leader who was in charge of me had a bulldozer-like personality, and if the man's reaction was lukewarm,

“Cool, pass~ and let's meet someone else. I'll find someone else and let you know.”

Don't mind the other person's reaction, let's just quickly meet someone else and not waste time. They instilled that positive mindset in the parties.

But there was a risk of getting involved with multiple people.

They weren't bad, so I'd like to meet them again, but in the meantime, they introduce you to someone else,

You can refuse, but most of the time, they recommend you meet them. That was the most confusing part for me.

There's a limit to the number of times, so you become more cautious and feel pressure.

In such cases, there's no need to worry alone, just talk to the matching team leader.

Even though, if you talk to them, they'll say 'You can't drag it out too long' and rush you.

There was a rumor circulating like a ghost story that they would send out the 'best person' first,

and then adjust the level from there to make you dissatisfied and induce you to re-register, but

I didn't really get that feeling.

I thought the matching team leader's head would explode if they matched people by calculation like that.

It felt like they were simply recommending the person who seemed like they would be the best match at that time.

The matching team leader confidently assured me that I'd find a good person soon, so trust her.

But the man's reaction wasn't really good, neither in the first meeting nor the second.

“It seems like you weren't meant to be. I'll find someone else."

They were able to express it in a sophisticated way so you wouldn't feel hurt that you were rejected.

If you're using a marriage information agency service and want to avoid lowering your self-esteem,

You have to accept that there are many people in this world who are far better and more decent than you, and that you can't be loved by everyone.

Welcome to Marriage Information Company

나에게도 짝은 있는가. 파란만장 로맨스 다이어리
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