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Dream Atelier

How to Stop Procrastinating

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • I recently read a book about procrastination because I was worried about my growing habit of putting things off, and I resonated with the book's explanation of the reason for "instant reassurance."
  • I recently experienced a situation where I was putting off my favorite things because of stress, and I realized that procrastination ultimately only hurts yourself.
  • Procrastination habits are related to perfectionist tendencies, and you need to recognize that constantly putting off things that are important to you is like pushing yourself away from life.

I used to be the type of person who never procrastinated and got everything done right away. But lately, I can't shake the feeling that I've become a bit of a procrastinator. Why is that? To put an end to my solitary period of contemplation, I decided to pick up a book on procrastination, and that's how I came across "Adult Emotion Lessons."

[Psychological benefits of procrastination]

1- Instant reassurance
When people are faced with tasks, they get stressed. Choosing to procrastinate gives them the comfort of not having to do what needs to be done right away.

2- Efficacy
'I got it all done in a short amount of time, I'm amazing!' You can feel a sense of efficacy.

3- Specialness
The feeling of pressure that's about to burst works as a driving force that increases your sense of urgency. It's strong when it comes to short-term results, but weak when it comes to long-term results.

-From "Adult Emotion Lessons"

As I read the examples in the book, I didn't really relate to the sense of efficacy and specialness, but I nodded in agreement with the instant reassurance. It's comforting to not see what needs to be done right away. But that comfort is fake and doesn't last more than a day or two.

There's no grave without an excuse.

Looking back, I've been under a lot of stress lately, and it's been affecting the things I love. I know there's no grave without an excuse, and it could all be excuses, but when you're under too much stress from other people, you can't help but avoid the things you love. It's like it's too much of a pain to do the things you love the most when you're in a really bad mood.

Afternoon – Yellow Room (1910)_Frederick Carl Frieseke (American, 1874-1939)

Whatever the reason, I can't keep putting things off and staying stuck. I have to stop procrastinating and move forward because I truly desire it. You only hurt yourself when you put off your own work. I can't put off my work because of someone else.

▶ Procrastination is a common characteristic found in people with a high level of perfectionism. For them, simply being good isn't enough; they need to be 'outstanding'.

▶ Continuously procrastinating on things that are important to you is like pushing yourself out of your own life. Do you really think the things that keep getting pushed down in your priorities are really that important? Whatever the reason for repeatedly engaging in seemingly irrational behavior, it eventually becomes a 'habit'.

-Inhyunjin, Adult Emotion Lessons, Anne's Library

Dream Atelier
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